Membrane filtration of by-products and effluents

Optimize the management and outsourcing of your by-products and effluents with Ovive membrane filtration solutions

Take advantage of Ovive’s expertise and membrane filtration solutions to optimize your costs and your choice of treatment solutions and outsourcing channels for your by-products and effluents.

Membrane filtration of industrial wastewater is an innovative and effective water treatment process. This technique separates pollutants from wastewater using membranes, offering superior water quality compared to traditional treatment processes. Several types of membrane are used: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis to remove all types of impurities, from large particles to substances chemically dissolved in the water.

In the industrial sector, membrane filtration has become the solution of choice for wastewater treatment. It reliably and consistently eliminates particles, micro-organisms and certain organic and inorganic compounds, guaranteeing wastewater that complies with environmental and process standards. Thanks to this technology, companies can reuse their water, reducing their water consumption while reducing pollutant discharges into the natural environment.

When it comes to managing by-products and effluents, membrane filtration has two purposes. The first is to optimize the economic and environmental impact of outsourcing, by minimizing volumes and increasing the dryness of the by-product or effluent. This minimizes transport, as well as the associated costs and environmental impact. Post-filtration concentrates or retentates have different characteristics to raw effluent, and can be valorized in new ways.

Membrane filtration offers considerable environmental benefits. It considerably reduces the amount of water used in industrial processes, by recirculating treated water within the production system. As a result, it contributes to preserving water resources and reducing the environmental impact of industry. The quality of the water leaving the membrane process makes it easy to reuse.

Faced with the alarming situation of water pollution and the growing constraints on water resources, the adoption of measures to preserve and reuse water has become a necessity. Membrane filtration of industrial wastewater is an effective solution for this eco-responsible approach to REUT (Reuse of Treated Wastewater). This pressure separation technique, which combines technology and the environment, contributes to water recycling by purifying it of its major pollutants.

The appeal of this solution lies in its ability to treat a wide range of industrial effluents, from water containing solid particles to water laden with chemical or organic substances. The membrane filtration process is based on the use of membranes, semi-permeable interfaces that separate pollutants from the water. Depending on the size of the membrane pores and the degree of quality required, there are several types of filtration: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. These processes have a wide range of applications in different industries for water reuse. In addition, the use of these treatment systems meets the requirements of environmental legislation in terms of pollutant discharge.

Membrane filtration offers numerous advantages. It ensures treated water quality by effectively eliminating suspended solids, dissolved solids, bacteria and viruses. What’s more, the use of this technology promotes sustainability by encouraging water recycling, reducing fresh water consumption and limiting discharges into the environment. Retentates or concentrates from the filtration process are recycled by outsourcing, in smaller volumes, thus minimizing transport costs and opening up new options.

Membrane filtration of industrial wastewater represents a key solution for WASW, combining efficiency, respect for the environment and regulatory compliance. It enables companies to make an active contribution to preserving water resources, while optimizing their production processes and reducing their ecological impact.

Ovive is committed to helping companies make the transition to sustainable wastewater management. As experts in industrial water treatment, we offer solutions tailored to our customers’ needs, including membrane filtration. Our qualified teams are involved at every stage, from needs assessment and treatment solution design to implementation and follow-up.

Ovive offers complete support. Thanks to our expertise, companies benefit from efficient and controlled installation of filtration systems. We prefer to use high-quality products that guarantee durability. What’s more, our rigorous monitoring enables us to optimize system operation over time, ensuring maximum profitability.

Promoting the reuse of wastewater through membrane filtration contributes to achieving sustainable development objectives. With Ovive, you make the choice to reduce your environmental footprint, optimize water consumption and guarantee your activity’s compliance with environmental standards. We put our know-how and experience at your disposal to help you meet this environmental and economic challenge.

In the interests of efficiency and quality, Ovive offers companies its expertise in supporting the installation of membrane filtration systems. We take charge of every stage, from the study of specific needs, project design and implementation, to team training and plant maintenance. You can also take advantage of a comprehensive Ovive service, including equipment rental from our fleet, for even faster installation. Our aim: to guarantee a high-performance, long-lasting filtration solution.

This partnership with companies also means ongoing monitoring and regular evaluation of the system in place, to optimize its efficiency and performance. The installation of membrane filtration represents a real challenge in terms of environmental responsibility for industry. With our tailor-made support, you’ll benefit from a solution tailored to your needs, while playing an active part in protecting the environment.

As a committed company, Ovive is committed to the responsible and ethical management of industrial wastewater. Through our membrane filtration solutions, we aim to contribute to optimal water reuse, thereby preserving water resources, promoting sustainability and supporting companies in their transition to a more environmentally-friendly production model.





Pharmaceutique Valorisation en méthanisation



Agroalimentaire Valorisation en compostage



Boulangerie industrielle Valorisation en méthanisation



Actifs naturels marins BRM + REUT (eau de chaudière)



Cosmétique BRM + REUT

Charles et Alice

Charles et Alice

Fabrication de compote BRM + REUT

VEOLIA – Val’Pôle

VEOLIA – Val’Pôle

Traitement des lixiviats Bioréacteur à Membranes



Cosmétique Expertise sur ancienne filière+ nouvelle station BRM



Cosmétique Bio Bioréacteur à Membranes



Papetterie Essais laboratoire + pilote terrain



Fabrication de carton ondulé Bioréacteur à Membranes



Production d’énergie Ultrafiltration



Méthanisation BRM sur digestats liquides



Méthanisation BRM sur digestats liquides

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