Leachate treatment by direct reverse osmosis: a mobile solution that’s quick to install

Take advantage of Ovive’s know-how and direct reverse osmosis solutions to manage your leachates. In an emergency, Ovive reverse osmosis systems can be transported, installed and commissioned in less than a week…

Direct reverse osmosis treatment is a process for filtering and purifying landfill leachates. Leachates are effluents charged with multiple pollutants (metals, organic pollution, nitrogen, salts, etc.) resulting from the burial of waste.

With ever-increasing volumes of waste being landfilled around the world, leachate management is a major challenge for the preservation of the environment. It is therefore imperative to treat these effluents to reduce their harmful impact on the environment.

This technique offers an effective solution to this challenge. It is based on a semi-permeable membrane leachate treatment process in which the operating pressure is higher than the osmotic pressure. Pollutants, including salinity, are retained by the membrane, while the purified water, called permeate, is recovered for reclamation or returned to the natural environment.

Pre-filtration is provided upstream of the membranes by processes adapted to each type of leachate: sand filters, cartridge filters, or even physicochemical treatment… Depending on the discharge standards to be met, several membrane stages can be used. This type of osmosis stands out for its rapid implementation and broad treatment spectrum.

The process is highly modular and can therefore be easily adapted to variations in leachate composition, by adding a stage, a pass or a pre-treatment. The main leachate parameters, such as temperature, pH and conductivity, are continuously monitored by the PLC, which adapts pressures and flows in real time. Discharge is automatically stopped in the event of any parameter drift. In an emergency, the system can be transported, installed and up and running in less than a week.

The advantages of reverse osmosis leachate treatment are numerous, including :

What’s more, this technology prevents the release of harmful substances into the natural environment. These mobile treatment plants are highly compact and can be installed close to leachate production areas, offering a solution tailored to the specific needs of each industrial site.

Direct reverse osmosis leachate treatment plays an active role in preserving the ecosystem. Thanks to this technology, companies are able to comply with current environmental standards while still operating the landfill.

The modules significantly reduce water salinity, one of the main pollutants in leachates. This treatment eliminates the majority of pollutants, thus preserving the quality of downstream waterways.

What’s more, this method is flexible and particularly well-suited to one-off requirements or surplus leachate production.

Its adaptability to different types of waste and its modularity make it an advantageous solution for waste professionals.

Ovive can help you manage the concentrates generated by the reverse osmosis process. The Ovive service defines and selects the most appropriate channels and ensures the conformity and traceability of concentrates to the channels.

Ovive, a recognized name in leachate treatment with over 150 references in the sector, supports local authorities, companies and waste professionals in the installation and operation of direct reverse osmosis leachate treatment systems. From treatment unit design and installation to operation and maintenance, Ovive provides a comprehensive, tailor-made service based on its technical expertise.

What’s more, Ovive has a wide range of units, including reverse osmosis units, to meet customers’ needs as quickly as possible.
Ovive direct reverse osmosis units are containerized, with a minimal footprint, and fully automated. Cleaning in place is integrated, and reagent storage is included in the container or in tanks.

By working closely with its customers, Ovive ensures that each installation meets their specific needs, while complying with environmental standards. Our approach goes beyond simply installing a treatment system: Ovive supports its customers in their environmental approach, helping them to optimize their treatment process and minimize their ecological footprint through eco-efficient solutions.

By choosing Ovive, waste professionals are assured not only of a reverse osmosis leachate treatment perfectly adapted to their needs, but also of a partner committed to the sustainable management of their water.





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